2016年8月15日 星期一

OCP 11gR2: Administration II 練習筆記 (七)

Lesson 07
Managing Memory

- by Full auto, Semi-automatic, manual
Full Auto:
- memory_target                <- set database RAM start, other component auto adjust
 memory_max_target        <- hard limit, if memory_target=500, max 800 DB cannot over 800.

- buffer Cache (SGA)
 Base on db_block_size (8K default), if not use auto, set db_cache_size for manual

- buffer status
 Pinned: server process or background process locked RAM (database latch) it will caused latch wait.
 Clean: unpinned RAM, wait checkpoint to HDD
 Free/ unused
 Dirty: unpinned buffer which still not write to HDD (2,3 sec).

- Support multiple block size in same database (unix only)
        Try: "create tablespace 'name' datafile 'location' size 50M blocksize 32768;"
- if create non-default data block size tablespace, you should config other size cache_size

How many db_cache_size should set ?
- check v$db_cache_advice; (size_factor=1 is current status), estd_physical_read is HDD I/O (lower is better).
        select SIZE_FACTOR, ESTD_PHYSICAL_READS from v$db_cache_advice;
 * calculate buffer cache hit ratio (statement not need to use HDD I/O)
          Select name,value from v$sysstat where name in ('db block gets from cache', 'consistent gets from cache', 'physical reads cache');
  Ratio = 1-(('physical reads cache')/( 'consistent gets from cache'+'db block gets from cache')x100), better 100%
select ((1-(select value from v$sysstat where name='physical reads cache')/
((select value from v$sysstat where name='consistent gets from cache')+
(select value from v$sysstat where name='db block gets from cache')))*100) as cache_ratio from dual;

- multiple buffer pools
 db_recycle_cache_size: object will keep in memory but fast in fast out (faster remove object in buffer pool)
 db_keep_cache_size: object keep in pool, retain object sin memory (remove object from buffer pool few hours)
 db_cache_size: object will keep 3 sec in memory then remove object from buffer pool
e.g.          create index cust_ids …. storage (buffer_pool keep);
                alter table oe.customers storage (buffer_pool recycle);
                alter index oe.cust_lname_ix storage (buffer_pool keep);

Shared pool (manual)
- large pool
 RMAN backup, parallel query operation
 Shared server, oracle X/Open <- 2/3PC (two/three phase commit), server to server commit and rollback
 Manage by AMM and ASMM and parameter with "large_pool_size"

- log_buffer
 Circular buffer in SGA -> LGWR -> Redo log (size depend on HDD I/O, small is better)

* SGA should not use virtual memory, "lock_sga set to true (not support in AMM)"
* set duplicatied SQL to keep pool or set buffer cache higher or use memory adviser

AMM = automate PGA and SGA (40%, 60% ratio)
ASMM = Semi-automatic SGA, manual PGA
Off AMM & ASMM = all manual
Oracle recommends use AMM unless you have special requirments.

- if set wrong memory_target setting
        create pfile from spfile;
        edit memory_target
        create spfile from pfile;
        restore spfile from autobackup
        by alert.log startup log (control_files, memory_target, db_name)

- if memory_max_target not set, memory_max_target=memory_target
 If enable memory_target, sga_target and pga_aggregate_target. It means the PGA and SGA are minimum values
- monitor AMM by "v$memory_dynamic_components", "v$memory_resize_ops","v$memory_target_advice"

- disable memory_target, you should set sga_target and pga_aggregate_target to use ASMM.
 If you need fix PGA but dynamic SGA size
 If AMM disable pga_aggregate_target is fixed size
- in ASMM sga_target is dynamic, ASMM base on MMON process and MMON use memory advisor.
- Get minimum value for sga_target, if database in manual mode
        select ((select sum(value) from v$sga)-(select current_size from v$sga_dynamic_free_memory))
        "sga_target" from dual;

Disable ASMM to manual mode
- when memory_target disable and set sga_target=0, database will auto tune memory and write to parameter.
- show parameter "pool_size", show parameter "db_cache_size"

- select * from v$sga_dynamic_components;

