2016年8月14日 星期日

OCP 11gR2: Administration II 練習筆記 (六)

Lesson 06
01. Oracle Total Recall (flashback data archive, recycle-bin)
- Flashback archive enable at table level with specified retention period (year).
- FDA contents cannot be modifying directly.
- For audit or historical report
- view "dba_flashback_archive", "dba_flashback_archive_ts", "dba_flashback_archive_tables" or user_
- When data modified > record in undo tbs > when undo expired > record trans to FDA (compress)
- Better create tbs to hold FDA
- Table not support by exadata
- FDA tablespace cannot transport to other server by oracle transport (use RMAN backup & restore)
- You can grant flashback archive administrator to user
e.g   create tablespace FDA_DATA_1 datafile '/location' size 5g autoextend on;
        create flashback archive fda1 tablespace FDA_DATA_1 retention 1 year;
        (don't set quota, if quota is full, the new transaction will stop !)
        alter table 'name' flashback archive fda1;
        - if FDA_DATA_1 tbs full, you may create another tbs and add in to fda1
        create tablespace FDA_DATA_2 datafile 'location' size 5g autoextend on;
        alter flashback archive fda1 add tablespace FDA_DATA_2;

Schema evolution
- after enable FDA, DDL may not support (drop , add column, truncate)
- disassociate and associate table with FDA by dbms_flashback_archive
- if source table DDL change, FDA table also need too
e.g.  exec dbms_flashback_archive.disassociate_FBA('schema','table');
        exec dbms_flashback_archive_reassociate_FBA('schema','table');
* remember to reassociate
* use SCN for first queries
* before flashback, commit or rollback first

02. Flashback Drop and recycle bin
- recycle bin default is on, drop table just rename table
- database will clean recycle bin when space not enough
- flashback drop will restore table object (index, trigger….)
e.g   flashback table 'name' to before drop;
        flashback table 'name' to before drop [rename to 'name'];
- manual remove recycle bin by purge command "purge table 'name';"
- to bypass recycle bin use command "drop table 'name' purge;"
- check view by "dba_recyclebin" or user_

03. Flashback database
- like rewind database (normally flashback logs keep 1 to 2 days)
- used in case of logical data corruption made by user (truncate table)
- flashback opposite is "RMAN recover" (when you give up to flashback database)
- cannot perform when controlfile corrupted
- drop tablespace cannot flashback
- flashback database will also use RMAN backupset, archivelog, redo and undo.
- flashback database retention should not over RMAN retention
- enable flashback log in FRA will overhead system 10% performance
e.g.  shutdown immediate;
        startup mount exclusive; <- exclusive = dba single connection
        alter system set db_flashback_retention_target=2880; <- 2 days
        alter database flashback on;
        alter database open;
        select flashback_on from v$database;
        create restore point 'name' guarantee flashback database;
        truncate table 'name';
        shutdown immediate;
        startup mount exclusive;
        <RMAN / SQL> in exclusive mode;
        flashback database to until time "to_date('20150505 23:00:00','yyyymmdd hh24:mi:ss')";
        flashback database to until scn xxxxxxx;
        flashback database to restore point 'name';
        alter database open read only;
        - check data
        alter database open resetlogs;

- flashback database view by "v$flashback_database_log;"

