2016年8月9日 星期二

OCP 11gR2: Administration II 練習筆記 (五)

Lesson 05
01. Diagnosing the database
- Data Recovery Advisor (DRA)
           Cannot detect data block corruption
           Only for single instance, not support RAC
           Support failover to standby, but not analysis and repair of standby database
           * Create standby database by using data guard

* RMAN> change failure = close impact or change priority, command "change failure 5 priority low;"
* RMAN> list failure [All | critical | high | low | closed];, default is all option [exclude failure (failnum)]
* RMAN> advise failure [All | critical | high | low | closed];, default is all option [exclude failure (failnum)]
* RMAN> repair failure [using advise option failnum {preview | noprompt}];
DRA view: v$ir_failure, v$ir_manual_checklist, v$ir_repair, v$ir_failure_set

- HM automate run and save report, DRA read it by "list failure" to check the db health status
- Proactive check: use validate command "validate database plus archivelog;" for data block corruption

02. Data failure examples
- not accessible components:
           Missing datafile at O/S, incorrect permission, offline tbs and deleted.
- physical corruption
           8KB data block, 4K for checksum: checksum failure may caused by invalid block header (dbf from different platform)
- logical corruption
           Related to schema object, corrupt index, corrupt transaction inconsistencies
- controlfile inconsistencies
- I/O failures, reach limit on max open files in O/S

03. Block corruption detect
- for physical corruption by command "validate database plus archivelog;" will check database all data block
- for logical corruption by command "validate database plus archivelog check logical;" will check index, schema object
- ORA-01578 appear in alert.log , v$database_block_corruption and validate command and caused by hardware issue.
- don't run any defragment tools in oracle database, it will cause corruption
- Analyze command can check error is permanent or not.
           collect statistics for table, index ….. by command "analyze [table|index] 'name' compute statistics; "

Parameter to auto detect corruption
- db_block_checking  <- default is false, oracle recommend "full" [off | false | low | medium | full or true] 10% overhead
                                            (after update, insert, it will run block header and object contents check except index)
- db_block_checksum  <- default is typical, oracle recommend typical [OFF | TYPICAL | FULL]
- db_lost_write_protect <- default is none, for standby database only, the committed transaction will also effect in standby
- db_ultra_safe               <- use this to tune upon 3 option by [OFF | DATA_ONLY | DATA_AND_INDEX]


04. Block media recovery example
- check v$database_block_corruption (record by validate command)
           01. offline tbs, corrupt some block by hex tools then online tbs (may have error)
           02. RMAN> validate tablespace 'name' check logical;
           03. Read alert.log and select * from v$database_block_corruption;
           04. RMAN> recover corruption list;
           05. RMAN> recover tablespace 'name'; and online the tbs

05. Automatic diagnostic
Critical error -> ADR      <- 1. diagnostic_dest
                                           <- 2. $ORACLE_BASE
                                           <- 3. $ORACLE_HOME/log

- 11g not use core_dump, user_dump parameter anymore
- can check from EM database first page
- check by adrci (v$diag_info)
           Show incident, show problem , show alert ….. e.g.

06. Health Monitor (HM)
- v$hm_check (check which option can use to run diagnostic)
- view the HM report by v$hm_run, dbms_hm, adrci , EM
- run HM by dbms_hm or EM
           exec dbms_hm.run_check('check_name','name');
           select dbms_hm.get_run_report('name') from dual;
           adrci -> show hm_run

07. Flashback
- Most depend by undo tablespace (undo management auto, retention, and guarantee)
- parallel insert will take more undo resource
- under sys schema cannot flashback

Object Level
Scenario examples
Flashback Technology
Depends on
Affects data
Truncate table, made multi-table change
Flashback logs
Drop table
Recycle bin

Update with the wrong where clause
Undo data
Compare current data from past
Undo data
Compare version of a row
Undo data
Keep historical transaction data
Data archive
Undo data
Investigate and back out suspect transaction
Undo/ redo archivelog

- flashback query
        1. Query all data at a specified point in time
        2. only for DML, not support DDL
 e.g.         select * from emp as of timestamp to_timestamp('nnnnnnnn','YYYYMMDD:HH24:MI:SS');
                select * from emp as scn xxxxxxxx;

- flashback version query (will not show haven't committed history)
        1. see all version of a row between two times.
        2. see the transactions that changed the row.
        3. not support external tables, temp tables, fixed tables (sys.table / X$table), view.
        4. not support DDL
 e.g.         select versions_xid, versions_startscn, versions_endscn, versions_operation, ename, sal from
                emp versions between scn xxxxx and xxxxx;
                select versions_xid, versions_startscn, versions_endscn, versions_operation, ename, sal from
                emp versions between scn minvalue and maxvalue; (enable supplement log)
                        reverse row
                update emp set sal=(select sal from emp as of timestamp to_timestamp('nnnnnnnnn','yyddmm hh24miss')
                where empno=2000) where empno=2000;

- flashback table
        1. not support sys schema
        2. EM -> Perform recovery -> table -> recover
        3. enable row movement
e.g.          alter table emp enable row movement;
                grant flashback any table to scott;
                grant select,insert,update, delete on emp to scott;
                flashback table emp to scn XXXXXXX;

- flashback transaction
        1. see all changes made by a transaction statement (query by versions_XID)
e.g.          select * from flashback_transaction_query where xid='xxxxxxxx';
        2. enable supplemental log
                alter database add supplemental log data;

                alter database add supplemental log data (primary key) columns;
        3. each transaction only can perform once
        3. consider transaction_backout option <- transaction dependency.

        Let's understand a concept before use the option: Transaction Dependence.
        For example, 2 transactions TX1 and TX2, if match below any point that means TX2 dependence TX1:
          01. WAW (Write After Write), means TX1 modify some row and TX2 modify same row again.
          02. Primary Key dependence means the table with primary key. TX1 delete the row and TX2 insert a new           row with same primary key.
          03. Foreign Key dependence means TX1 made new foreign key data after insert or update and TX2 insert           or update rows use new foreign key data.
          Understand transaction dependence can help to solve the problem when conflict. Example for point 02, if           you want to reverse TX1 but don't care TX2, the table will have duplicate primary key.

     - [ NOCASCADE ]: TX1 cannot have dependence by other transaction, otherwise cancel operation and error.
     - [ CASCADE ]: TX1 and TX2 reverse together.
     - [ NOCASCADE_FORCE ]: ignore TX2, reverse TX1 if constraint no conflict the operation will success,            otherwise the conflicted constraint will error and operation fail.
     - [ NONCONFILICT_ONLY ]: reverse TX1 without influence TX2. Not same with NOCASCADE_FORCE, it      will filter TX1 reverse SQL and make sure the change not affect TX2.

     Example details for point 01: WAW, for a table only has 3 rows and no constraint:
Case 1: Original
Case 2: TX1 update 3 rows
Case 3: TX2 update 2 rows
This is typical WAW example, TX2 dependence TX1
Now try to reverse TX1 with different backout option will have different result:
[NOCASCADE] will cause "ORA-55504: Transaction conflicts in NOCASCADE mode" , table status in Case 3
[CASCADE] will reverse table to Case 1
[NOCASCADE_FORCE], TX2 transaction not affect, but TX1 will reverse to below

Here has some strange from the rule of [ NOCASCADE_FORCE ]: the reverse should ignore TX2 and perform on all rows, but why row 2 & 3 didn't reverse ? Because in this sample, reverse SQL the where clause include    ROWID for constraint because database enabled supplemental log.
[NONCONFILICT_ONLY] the result is same as [NOCASCADE_FORCE]. However, even the result is same, but  the process is different. The rows reverse SQL which related to TX2 will be filter first.

Real world example:
        Under HR schema, manger wants to increase Michael salary 10%.
        SQL> select FIRST_NAME, SALARY from hr.employees where employee_id=201;
        FIRST_NAME                    SALARY
        --------------------                            ----------
        Michael                           13000
        However, by user mistake, all staff increase salary 500% and committed
        SQL> update hr.employees set salary=salary*5;
        106 rows updated.
        SQL> commit;
        Then HR on progress increase Michael 10%
        SQL> update hr.employees set salary=salary*1.1 where employee_id=201;
        1 row updated.
        SQL> commit;
        Manger just wants Michael salary from 13000 to 14300. However, by the user mistake, Michael salary is           71500.
        After few minutes, HR discovered all staff salary abnormal and contact DBA investigation. DBA decide             use flashback_transaction_query to find out the problem on last 15 minutes.
        SQL> select distinct xid, commit_scn from flashback_transaction_query where table_owner='HR' and         table_name='EMPLOYEES' and commit_timestamp > systimestamp - interval '15' minute order by                     commit_scn;
        DBA found last 15 minutes have 2 transactions
        XID                            COMMIT_SCN
        ----------------                        ----------
        0300080081090000          3062978
        01001D00AE080000        3063594
        DBA check XID 0300080081090000 and found abnormal bulk salary update
        SQL> select undo_sql from flashback_transaction_query where xid='0300080081090000'
        update "HR"."EMPLOYEES" set "SALARY" = '10000' where ROWID = 'AAAVTFAAFAAAADOAAJ';
        update "HR"."EMPLOYEES" set "SALARY" = '8300' where ROWID = 'AAAVTFAAFAAAADOAAI';
        update "HR"."EMPLOYEES" set "SALARY" = '10000' where ROWID = 'AAAVTFAAFAAAADOAAG';
        update "HR"."EMPLOYEES" set "SALARY" = '3000' where ROWID = 'AAAVTFAAFAAAADNABh';
        Now DBA decide use transaction_backout with nocascade option to rollback that transaction
        exec dbms_flashback.transaction_backout(1,xid_array('0300080081090000'),dbms_flashback.nocascade);
        ERROR at line 1:
        ORA-55504: Transaction conflicts in NOCASCADE mode
        The result show dependence, so for the reasonable option should be rollback all change by cascade                   option.
        exec dbms_flashback.transaction_backout(1,xid_array('0300080081090000'),dbms_flashback.cascade);
        PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
        After run the flashback transaction, dba check the report and found both transaction are rollback
        SQL> select xid,dependent_xid,backout_mode from dba_flashback_txn_state;
        XID                    DEPENDENT_XID           BACKOUT_MODE
        ----------------                ----------------                        ----------------
        01001D00AE080000                                 CASCADE
        0300080081090000    01001D00AE080000 CASCADE
        Finally, DBA check Michael salary rollback to original.

- parallel DML enhance performance
 e.g.         alter session enable parallel dml;
                insert into emp select * from emp;
                alter session disable parallel dml;

                select /*+ parallel */ count(*) from sys.all_objects;

